Saturday, May 23, 2020
Principles Of Exercise And Sport Science - 1073 Words
HSE101 Principles of Exercise Sport Science Practical Assignment – Submaximal Exercise Testing ¬ Name: Renee Deverall Student Number: 215067741 1. Write a short paragraph that defines VO2max, explains what it measures and describes some of the most important ways that it can be used in health and sport. VO2max can be defined as the maximum oxygen uptake. This entails the maximum rate at which oxygen is readily available in the body to be taken up and used during aerobic exercise. (Fletcher et al.) It is a very important and commonly used indicator of a person or athletes level of cardiovascular fitness. A high VO2max demonstrates a high level of aerobic fitness, where as a low VO2max indicates a low rate of aerobic fitness. There are two factors that are important in determining a persons VO2max, which are the hearts ability to deliver oxygen to the muscles and the muscles ability to extract the oxygen from the blood and use it (Brown, Miller and Eason). This means that when a person has a high VO2max their body is able to deliver oxygen through the blood efficiently to the muscles in order to maintain high levels of aerobic exercise over an extended period of time. VO2max is a valued measurement of cardiovascular fitness in the Sport industry due to its ability to indicate cardiova scular fitness, as well as the pulmonary and muscular systems efficiency throughout the duration of the exercise (Brown, Miller and Eason). There are multiple tests that can measure VO2maxShow MoreRelatedEmmanuel College s Development Of Their Students Spiritual And Intellectual Growth1060 Words  | 5 Pagesthrough their Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Christian Ministries. The School of Business offers Bachelors of Arts and Science in Business Administration, with either a Management or Computer Information Systems concentration. 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(2002) ‘Metabolic system and exercise’, Physiological aspects of sport training and performance. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics Publishers, pp. 28-29. Paish, W.H.C. (1998) The complete manual of sports science:Read MoreEffects Of Caffeine On Our Lives891 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom uric acid. It can also be prepared by extracting it from natural sources (Mrazik). The extractions of caffeine are the following: extraction of pure caffeine, water and carbon dioxide extraction, and nonhazardous organic solvents extraction (Science of Cooking). It is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world. Its molecular formula is C8H10N402. It is found in the leaves, beans, and fruits of over 60 plants. There it acts as a natural pesticide that kills and paralyzes certain insectsRead MoreHiking Essay779 Words  | 4 Pageslike a very simple activity, however there is a science behind it: There are biomechanical principles and physiological principles involved. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Political Economic Stances On Social Security - 1381 Words
Political-Economic Stances on Social Security: A Look into Liberalism and Social Democracy By merely glancing at the political systems across the world, it becomes clear that politics and the economy are inextricably tied. Both are institutions that maintain some sort of balance between freedom and equality, and both are associated with a variety of ideologies regarding what the best balance is (O’Neil 2013, 101 112). We often see how politics and economics influence each other, with policy focusing on economic regulation, and a country’s economy reflecting how well the state can operate. One important aspect when looking at political economy, the study of how these institutions affect one another, is a state’s social expenditures (O’Neil 2013, 102 105). In the United States, there is currently a debate surrounding on such component of this aspect: Social Security. Social Security is a form of savings set aside for retirees that is controlled by the government. While some argue that it is a necessary source of income for those that are no longer working (Anrig and Wasow 2005, 4), there are also those that assert the system is far too costly and simply no longer works for Americans (Maya MacGuineas, 2001, 1 3). This paper aims to exam the ideologies of liberalism and social democracy and how they would approach the Social Security debate. From there, I will discuss which ideology offers the best solution to this issue, with a final summary in the conclusion. Overall,Show MoreRelatedLiberalism And The Ethical And Logical Level Essay1332 Words  | 6 Pagesof the fundamental contradictions and issues in Liberalism is the question of the power and neutrality of the state. Liberal neutrality can be understood as the idea that a neoliberal state should not promote any specific concept of perfectionism, social utopia or the ‘’good’’. This is concept is often used in critiques of multiculturalism and collective rights movements. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cheating The Problem Of Our Schools - 1779 Words
James Burton Mrs.Vonda Ford English 6 28 January 2015 Cheating: The Problem of our Schools Imagine a student sitting in English while taking an exam. You see this kid pull out a paper every few seconds and write down an answer real quick then put it away. This is what we all know as cheating. In reality, cheating is defined in many ways. The best definition of cheating is misleading, deceiving, or representing someone else’s work as your own. The reason a lot of kids cheat is because of their grades. It is true that kids who are lazy cheat off of others, but the real reason people cheat is because they need the grade. In the past few years, grade importance and how it reflects on the schools have become more important than the educational value and the understanding of the material. If we were to start focusing more on the educational value rather than grade importance, than the amount of cheating in schools would decrease. Placing so much emphasis on grades rather than the educational value perpetuates the act of cheating and th is need to change. Cheating can be many different things. One of the top styles of cheating is plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking someone else’s ideas or work and pretending it is your own. Students use plagiarism for most things in school right now. It has been used for working on research papers, or even printing out a whole paper for topic. There are so many websites that students use that have every topic on them. There’s Sparknotes andShow MoreRelatedCheating : The Problem Of Our Schools1654 Words  | 7 PagesCheating: The Problem of our Schools Imagine a student sitting in English while taking an exam. You see this kid pull out a paper every few seconds and write down an answer real quick then put it away. This is what we all know as cheating. In reality, cheating is defined in many ways. The best definition of cheating is misleading, deceiving, or representing someone else’s work as your own. The reason a lot of kids cheat is because of their grades. It is true that kids who are lazy cheat off of othersRead MoreCheating Is Becoming More Common As The Technological Age Advances872 Words  | 4 PagesCheating has almost become a regular practice in high school as â€Å"75% of students admitted to cheating at least once in high school†(ETS) according to one survey. Cheating in high school typically carries over to higher education where there is more on the line for being caught and that will eventually carry over to when these students enter the work force. Cheating for students is becoming more common as the technological age advances, are students educated on what constitutes cheatings, has cheatingRead MoreAre Schools Cheating The Government?988 Words  | 4 Pagesthey should start too. Our school system is failing our bright, outstanding students. At least our students should be bright, and outstanding. That’s what our schools assessment tests say, but is that our students excelling in those tests or is it our teachers profound use of an eraser. Are schools cheating the government? Our schools are dumbing down classes so the students get good grades to pass on to the school board to pass. In their defense in order to keep the schools running they need governmentRead Morewatashiwa Essay1713 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Chapter I The Problem and Its Scope There was a time when cheating was rare in schools, but today the whole â€Å"importance of learning†aspect has been eliminated. Instead, everyone is focused on making the top ten percent of their class or being valedictorian and we seem to have forgotten school’s purpose. School exists so that we will be educated, not so everyone can cheat their way into being successful. Education, which has become vital for the survival for any civilizationRead MorePersuasive Essay About Cheating In School1567 Words  | 7 PagesAn enormous problem in schools throughout all of America is cheating. Individuals have been trying to solve these issues since they first arose long ago. Cheating in school can cause serious consequences, whether the teacher catches the cheater or not. Throughout my 12 years of school, I have seen my fair share of cheating. Seeing cheating during school is infuriating, and this issue must dissipate. The solution to this problem may be far from our reach, but people have created a few alternativesRead MoreAcademic Ethics And Ethical Procedures906 Words  | 4 Pagesamount of pressure placed on children in the elementary and high school grades to achieve high scores on standardized test. Unfortunately this type of pressure if continued can lead to cheating on the collegiate level (Schellenbarger, 2013). Academic dishonesty or â€Å"cheating†, has become a common standard amongst specialized high schoolers and prep school students. In one scenario, involving a specialized school in New York, high school students devised an organized plan to cheat on a Regents exam.Read MoreCheating in American Schools - A National Disgrace Essay651 Words  | 3 PagesCheating in American Schools - A National Disgrace Cheating by students in American schools has become a serious and growing problem. A 2005 poll of 12,000 college graduates in the contiguous United States with a 62% response rate showed the following: 45% of all students cheated on an examination that counted toward 10-20% of their grade and 51% cheated on an exam that counted toward 33-50% of their final grade. When asked why they cheated, 70% of cheaters stated that they did not fear failingRead MoreA Study On The Work Of A Teacher At Harvard University Essay1287 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst the rules, as a minor offense or no offense at all. Nearly half take the same view of paraphrasing or copying someone else’s work without attribution and most high school teachers and college professors surveyed fail to pursue some of the violations they find. Who is to blame Experts say that along with students, schools and technology, parents are also to blame. They cite surveys and the work of researchers like Jean M. Twenge, author of the book â€Å" Generation to me .†to make the case thatRead MoreIs Cheating At School Getting Out Of Control?872 Words  | 4 PagesNhi Pham Professor Genetti ENGL 1101 3 December 2015 Is Cheating At School Getting Out of Control? The clock is ticking at 1:00am and Joe is sitting in front of his computer trying to study for his Math test. â€Å"The test will be tomorrow at 7am. I don t understand any of this. I can’t even remember the formulas. What should I do?†Joe thought. But, why is he doing this at the last minute? Was it because of the addicting game â€Å"Battle Front†that he could not get enough of? Or, was it maybe becauseRead MoreIs Cheating Ethical1654 Words  | 7 Pagessociety, fairness, or specific virtues. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one’s ethical standards (Williams, 2010, pp. 2-4). Cheating is defined in the dictionary as, to deceive by trickery; swindle, however the dictionary fails to tell you if it is right or wrong to cheat. People have many different beliefs when it comes to cheating; some think its fine to do while others completely disapprove (Sullivan, 1992). Consequentialism/Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is the best
What is the meaning of share value maximization Free Essays
The shareholder value represents the interest of stakeholders in a business. Shareholders experiences or seems to see an increase in the value of their shares through dividends or gains at stock exchange. Share value maximization is one of the principles used by management to prioritize the interests of shareholders through projects that will increase profits and ultimately the share dividends. We will write a custom essay sample on What is the meaning of share value maximization? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Stock price maximization involves adoption of low cost and efficient processes so as to manufacture goods and services of high quality at the lowest cost possible. Thus, by adopting new technology to produce required goods and services by consumers, is beneficial to the society both in the short and long term basis. In addition, it facilitates courteous and efficient services as well as adequate stocks of merchandise (Kellison, 1991). Discuss the time value of money concept. What is discounting and how is it related to compounding? What is compounding? Explain why earning interest on interest is called compound interest? Time value of money is concept used in financial management to compare alternatives in investment as well as solving problems that involve mortgages, savings, loans, annuities, and leases. Time value of value of money is based on the idea that the amount of money one holds today is worth more than the expectation that he/she the same amount in future. The currently held money has high value in future as it can be invested and earn interest after some time. Discounting involves calculating or converting specific future amount/value of money at certain discount rate to establish its present value. Thus, a person is able to make judgment on whether to invest such amount of money and reap rewards in future. On the other hand, compounding refers to adding interest earned to the principal amount so that it can go on earning higher interests in its own right. The reason that initial interest earns additional interest i. e. compounded is why it is called compound interest (Kellison, 1991). Explain the following statement: While the balance sheet can be thought of as a snapshot of the firm’s financial position as of a point in time, the income statements reports on operations over a period of time? The balance sheet shows the financial position of an enterprise in terms of net assets, capital (stockholder’s or owner’s equity), and liabilities as at the end of a specific fiscal period. At any moment in time, assets are equal to the owner’s equity plus liabilities. Liabilities represent creditor’s claims against the assets of an enterprise. Thus, a balance sheet facilitates a business owner to quickly assess the financial capability and of his/her business. Income statement shows all the business transactions in terms of sales and purchases made, revenue collected, and expenses incurred in given period of time. Therefore, the primary use of income statements is to testify if a company is making profit or loss for a given period of time to the shareholders or potential investors (Frank, 2004). Why is it sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate in the same industry? First, it is in doubt that different companies apply or use different accounting policies to govern their financial operations. Therefore, a specific accounting policy applied by a certain company may not be similar to another’s policy. For instance, a company may apply accrual basis concept whereas another doest not recognize accruals until they are paid. Secondly, companies operate differently in terms of business activity and management for instance, companies may be in the same industrial sector but they engage in different activities such as production of raw materials and processing. In such a case a production company may be affected by adverse conditions like weather whereas the other is favored by industrial-processing subsidies offered by the government which translates to healthier financial ratios. In addition, some financial managers of certain companies are unscrupulous and such individuals can calculate unprofessionally to lure potential investors. Proper comparison can only be achieved if there are established industrial standards within which all companies can draft their financial ratios (Ibid, 2004). How to cite What is the meaning of share value maximization?, Papers
My last duchess Essay Example For Students
My last duchess Essay In these ten very elemental lines of the poem, Browning successfully exposes the true motives of his speaker, the duke, through his voice of reason at play during conversation with a potential father-in-law. At this point in the text, his audience discovers the reasons for his failed marriage with his former wife, and also learns of her faults. The speaker is obviously bothered by his wifes wanton ways as she was too soon made glad,/ too easily impressed; she liked whateer/ She looked on, and her looks went everywhere(lines 22-25). He had much to offer her, not excluding his prestigious nine-hundred-years-old name (l. 33). As an appreciator of the finer things and high society, he was disturbed by how easily entertained and amused she was by others and their little efforts. The duke is bothered by her nonchalant ways and cannot understand her excitement over the bough of cherries some officious fool/ Broke in the orchard for her(l. 27-28). As if his efforts werent enough! Browning also successfully accomplishes his task as a dramatic monologue with the careful use of words and punctuation. The rushed speech with exclamation points adds to the speakers continuing disbelief in his former wifes priorities. He is astounded by her practice and misgivings while interjecting his own speech with excitable lines to lure the reader. The duke is unwilling to share the dirty details of the foul relationship, but is eager to explain the situation even if it defaces their credibility or his as a valuable member of society. He shares with his listener the tendencies of her heart how shall I say? too soon made glad(l. 23), and although he seems almost reluctant, the reader may also interpret his tone as somewhat fescicious or bitter. This passage is key to the text as a whole because it directly relates the past of the duke with the desires of his future. He tells the story of what went wrong, and what he needs from the man hes currently making negotiations with.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Molluscicidal Effect of Dalandan and Dayap Fruit Extract on Golden Apple Snails Essay Sample free essay sample
This chapter contains subtopics that negotiations about the job in this research such as background of the survey. conceptual model. statement of the job. void hypothesis. significance of the survey. range and boundary lines of the survey and definition of footings. Background of the StudyNowadays. the demands for every man’s demands are drastically increasing. Consumption of our basic demands is at its extremum because of our increasing population. There are many industries now that require twice the attempt of labour than earlier. and one of which is in the agricultural industry. We can non deny the fact that agricultural exports and imports all over the universe are indispensable to keep natural equilibrium and fulfill the demands of society which is why one of the chief beginnings of support in Philippines is farming. Many Filipino husbandmans rely on the gross revenues that the industry offers them and the presence of such plagues like rats. bullets or snails affects their crops/vegetation greatly therefore. it is of import to implement efficient and economical steps in protecting harvests continuously. The aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) are soon considered as a rice plague of national importance. The illegal debut of the aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) took topographic point in the 1980s through the fish tank trade. It was ab initio introduced by the private sector as an aquaculture species. peculiarly as a inexpensive beginning of protein. Subsequently. it found its manner to waterways and rice Fieldss. In 1995. the reported harm of aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) in rice agriculture was estimated in more than 800. 000 hectares all over the state. Estimated rice output loss from aureate apple snail infestation from 1985 to 1991 in the Philippines increased along with spread outing infestation. Alternatively of going a roar to nutrient production it became a curse in rice agriculture. Since so. researches on varied topics. peculiarly on its control in rice agriculture. have been investigated. With these jobs. the research worker is motivated to carry on the survey to find the molluscicidal consequence of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . The research worker believes that this can be of aid to the increasing demands the agricultural industry faces. The research worker will carry on this survey to cognize the components present in the independent variables and measure its effectivity in extinguishing aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . Conceptual ModelThe research worker will concentrate on finding the molluscicidal consequence of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion. in the instance of this research. on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canalicuta ) . In this manner. the research worker can supply new alternate merchandises to utilize that are cheaper but still efficient. advancing use of alternate medical specialties from beginnings that can be easy found. and assisting those who will profit economically. Input Process Output Dalandan( Citrus aurantium ) andDayap( Citrus aurantifolia )fruits ExtractionExperiment The Molluscicidal Property of Dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and Dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion on Golden apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) Figure 1. 1 Conceptual Paradigm Statement of the ProblemThis survey is to be conducted to find the effects of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) as a molluscicide: Specifically. the survey aims to reply the following sub-problems such as: 1. What are the components of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion? 2. What is the degree of effectivity of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) at different concentrations? 3. Be at that place any important difference between the dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion and the positive control in extinguishing aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) ? Null HypothesisIn this survey. the research worker will prove the void hypothesis at 0. 05 degree of significance. Holmium: There is no important difference between the dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion and the positive control as a molluscicide on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . Significance of the StudyAs this universe undergoes in a thick of modernisation in engineerings. there are besides agricultural promotions being focused on by scientists. This might sound impressive to people but with these are different freshly discovered disease-causing beings to workss. New strains of viruses and unknown diseases have developed and most of the people are merely depending on those dearly-won merchandises. If Filipinos are to utilize alternate merchandises someway. it can non merely assist households in their disbursals but besides the economic system in developing new steps of apportioning its resources. The following are the entities that will be benefited in this survey. Agriculturists. Agriculturists will be cognizant of the possible utilizations of such workss specifically in this survey. dalandan and dayap. They will hold a broader cognition in commanding plagues in the field. Molluscicide makers. With this survey. the makers can believe of certain inventions in their merchandises or even as an linear. These makers can cut the dearly-won production of chemicals and merely lodge to a more economical manner in extinguishing aureate snails. Farmers. The husbandmans are the 1s who will profit largely in this survey for the result that the research workers are anticipating to come up with purposes in extinguishing or commanding plagues. viz. aureate snails in their field. Students. Students can derive more cognition on utilizations that our resources offer us. Opportunities of their involvement in analyzing works belongingss and active components will increase if they are more cognizant of the practical things that certain workss can make in our day-to-day lives. Future Researchers. The consequence of this research can actuate other research workers to carry on hereafter related surveies. They can utilize this as a footing for their ain researches. Give the information. they can th erefore cognize which works is appropriate to be used in a certain surveies. Scope and Delimitations of the StudyThe molluscicidal consequence of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canliculata ) and its efficaciousness degree are the lone focal point of this survey. The research worker used 60 ( 60 ) aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) which were gathered from Barangay Padilla. San Carlos City. Pangasinan. The said fruits were weighed every bit holding two ( 2 ) kgs each and was gathered from Barangay Bani. San Carlos City. Pangasinan. The bottles had 100 milliliter of every bit distributed solutions incorporating dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion at five different concentrations each. The independent and dependent variables used were delimited and merely gathered within San Carlos City. Pangasinan. To find the constituents of dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion that can be a utile subs tance in extinguishing aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . different researches and library plants will be conducted by the research worker. The experiment will be performed in Virgen Milagrosa Special Science High School research lab. San Carlos City. Pangasinan on the school twelvemonth 2011-2012. Definition of FootingsThe footings in this survey are defined to supply clear and better apprehension of this survey. Extraction. This is the procedure of dividing soluble from dissolvers or roll uping the liquid signifier from any liquid-bearing stuff. Extraction will be done in this survey to obtain the needful sum of dalandan and dayap fruit infusion which will be compared on different concentrations. Molluscicide. Molluscicides are besides known as snail come-ons or snail pellets. They are used against molluscs which are normally used in agribusiness or horticulture to command plagues such as snails that can damage harvests by feeding on them. In this survey. the merchandise will be of the same intent as stated and will be compared by each concentration. Chapter IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESThis chapter contains brief statements reciting the related literature. related surveies and synthesis of related surveies. This chapter besides gives the undermentioned information about the history and definition of the independent variables viz. the dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit infusion and the dependant variable which is the aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . Related LiteratureThis contains related literatures about the researcher’s survey to give farther penetrations about aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit. The related literature was taken from different mentions whether local or foreign 1s. Methods for Controling Molluscs 2009 stated that fresh stuffs for commanding mollusk such as snails and bullets are carbohydrates including cellulose. hemicellulose composites. and/or lignin. for bring oning decease in mollusk. The stuffs are non-toxic. will non pollute a imbibing H2O supply. will non harm fish. birds or wild life. will non do any harmful effects if swallowed or absorbed through the tegument. will non harm kids or pets. and can be safely eaten by domestic animate beings and farm animal that may devour such dead mollusk. The stuffs may be applied in assorted preparations at assorted H2O contents. The stuffs do non supply nutrition to the mollusk. and disrupt normal bodily maps ensuing in decease. An attractant may be included to promote consumption by the mollusk. Many citrous fruit fruits contain a higher sum of saccharides. but are a good beginning of vitamins and fibre. Of the citrous fruit fruits. Citrus paradisis contain the least sum of saccharides with 8 g of saccharides per 100 g helping. Lemons. calcium hydroxides and oranges contain about 9. 11 and 12 g of saccharide. severally. Snails and bullets like to conceal and engender under foliages. Puting snails and bullets in a Sn of salty H2O causes them to decease rapidly. Harmonizing to JSTOR Ambio. Vol 25. pp. 443-448. the aureate apple snails ( Pomacea cannaliculata ) was introduced deliberately into Asia in 1980 with the outlook that it could be cultivated as a high-protein nutrient beginning for local ingestion and as an export trade good for high income states. It has since invaded Asians rice systems. where it is dispersed through extended webs. and feeds voraciously on immature rice seedlings. Related SurveiesThis contains related surveies about the research to back up its aim. The related surveies were taken from different published mentions.In the survey of Aguinaldo. H. A. and M. G Mina. they found out that Volatile oil from calamansi rind ( Citrus mitis L. ) was isolated and evaluated for molluscicidal action against Pomaceae caniculata L. ( aureate kuhol ) . Three readyings at changing concentrations of volatile oil were prepared. i. e. T1 ( 10 per centum volatile oil ) ; T2 ( 20 per centum Volatile oil ) ; T3 ( 30 per centum Volatile oil ) . These were tested against freshly hatched aureate kuhol. Mortality rate and per centum endurance were considered. All the three volatile oil readyings were effectual in commanding the Pomaceae caniculata L. The authority of the volatile oil from calamansi rind increased as concentration increased and as clip of exposure increased. The 30 per centum volatile oil gave the highest mortality rate. Harmonizing to P. M. Jazet Dongmo. et Al. . Essential oils of three assortments of Citrus aurantifolia ( Bearss. Mexican and â€Å"Sans epines†) grown in Cameroon were extracted by hydrodistillation with outputs of 0. 29. 0. 57 and 0. 25 % severally. The chemical analysis was carried out by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy. The three samples were found to be really rich in monoterpenes. and limonene was the major compound with 53. 92. 43. 53 and 51. 98 % severally. The finding of the fungicidal activity was done by the incorporation technique. The three infusions exerted an inhibiting action on the radial growing of Phaeoramularia angolensis which is antifungal. The MIC obtained is 1. 4 mg/ml for C. aurantifolia volt-ampere. Mexican and 1. 5 mg/ml for Bearss and â€Å"Sans epines†assortments. These three necessity oils could represent an option to chemical antifungals normally used for Citrus fruit harvests. In add-on. the indis pensable oil of the Bears assortment was fractionated and the fractions were tested in order to find the active compounds. The most active fractions are rich in neral and geranial. compounds which could therefore be responsible for the activity of the petroleum infusion. It is said by Jorry Dharmawan that the volatile compounds of the hand-pressed Peel oil from the selected citrous fruit fruits from Asia. viz. Indonesian Pontianak oranges ( Citrus nobilis Lour. volt-ampere. microcarpa Hassk. ) . Indian Mosambi ( Citrus sinensis Osbeck ) and Filipino Dalandans ( Citrus reticulata Blanco ) . were characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS. A sum of 32 compounds were found in Pontianak orange. 29 in Mosambi and 37 compounds in Dalandan Peel oils. Limonene dominated the composing of each of the oils and most of the compounds were present in the concentrations less than 0. 1 % . The absence of some of import subscriber compounds to mandarin household in Pontianak orange show that it is a Citrus reticulata that has alone characteristic spirit. The characteristic compound of sweet orangish oil. ?-3-carene. was found in Mosambi Peel oil. The presence of ?-terpinene in Dalandan was exceptionally high ( 4. 3 % ) compared with other cultivars. Isopiperitenone was the te ntatively-identified volatile compound non often reported in other citrous fruit fruits found in Dalandan Peel oil. It could be the of import subscriber to the characteristic olfactory property of Dalandan despite its hint sum. Sythesis of the Study With respects to the related surveies stated. it indicates that Citrus mitis L. has the ability in extinguishing aureate apple snails and merely that coinage of the genus Citrus. Carbohydrate-rich nutrients and certain volatile oils found in dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) makes it a possible molluscicide on aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) . It was besides stated that snails are repulsed from strong smelling substances and someof which can be gathered from the independent variables. Chapter IIIResearch MethodologyThis chapter presents the stuffs and methods that will be used in this research. This includes the research design. research topic. and locale. population of the sampling process. informations aggregation and tools for informations analysis. Research DesignIn this experimental survey. the research worker used Randomized Complete Block Design ( RCBD ) . This experimental design uses a group of trial workss and animate beings as topics of the survey which are studied one time but subsequent interventions applied are replicated to find the cause of alteration. There is control in this design and the topics had undergone randomisation procedure. Research LocaleThe preparation of the alternate merchandise to be used in this survey and the existent experiment was comducted at Virgen Milagrosa Special Science High School research lab. San Carlos City Pangasinan. The dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit was gathered from Barangay Bani. San Carlos City. Pangasinan. The aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) nevertheless came from Barangay Padilla St. San Carlos City. Pangasinan. Research SubjectThe research worker used 60 ( 60 ) aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) as topics. These was grouped into six ( 6 ) holding ten ( 10 ) aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) each. Research MaterialsThe stuffs used in the survey are weighing balance. bottle/sprayers. and liquid mensurating devices such as beakers and graduated cylinders used to mensurate the sums of the infusion to be used in application. Dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruits was gathered weighing two ( 2 ) kgs each where the infusion needed for the experiment was obtained. Procedures/Data CollectionThe research worker gathered dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruits in this survey. The fruits was subjected to a weighing balance to run into the needed sum which is two ( 2 ) kgs each to be used in the the existent experiment before pull outing its juice. After pull outing on a beaker. the obtained infusion was transferred into a calibrated cylinder where it was measured once more to find the equal distributions needed in certain concentration given the fact that the research worker tested the dependent variables at different concentrations. The infusion and the positive control was placed in separate bottles of sprayer specifically the first group with 100 % dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit ; the 2nd group for the 100 % dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) fruit infusion ; the 3rd group is for the 50 % dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and 50 % dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit extract mixture ; the 4th group for the 25 % dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and 75 % dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit extract mixture ; the fifth group for the 75 % dalandan ( Citrus aurantium ) and 25 % dayap ( Citrus aurantifolia ) fruit extract mixture ; and the 6th group for the positive control. There were 60s ( 60 ) aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) subjected in this research which were divided into six ( 6 ) groups holding ten ( 10 ) aureate apple snails ( Pomacea canaliculata ) each. The groups of snail were tested in six ( 6 ) concentration-labeled basins. The set up was observed within two ( 2 ) hours of clip interval for 12 ( 1 2 ) hours and the observations was recorded.
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