Sunday, January 26, 2020
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Children
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Children Ms Cameron took Victoria to the accident and emergency department of the Central Middlesex Hospital around 11am on 14 July. Victoria was seen by Dr Beynon within an hour of her arrival. Dr Beynon took a history from Ms Cameron which, together with the results of a basic examination of Victoria, concerned him enough to refer the matter to a paediatric registrar. In his view there was a strong possibility that this was a case of non-accidental injury. Such case as this allows one to think whether or not the professionals who were working with Victoria were not attentive as to what was taking place. The first signs that rose attention were after; A number of Ealing staff who saw Kouao and Victoria together during May 1999 noticed a marked difference between Kouaos appearance (she was always well dressed) and that of Victoria (who was far scruffier). Deborah Gaunt, who saw the two of them together on 24 May 1999, went as far as to say that she thought Victoria looked like an advertisement for Action Aid. The United nations describes a universe suitable for the lives of children to be one in which We will promote the physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional, cognitive and cultural development of children as a matter of national and global priorities (United Nations 2002, p.5). Such elected regions where purpose is necessary in order to put this world into being can recognized the same as: putting one into good physical shape, the provision of excellent education; protection from abuse, mistreatment and violent behaviour; and fighting against issues such as HIV/AIDS. Related aims and the process put into such areas form an important factor of policies considered to enable safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children in the entire signatories to the UN Convention. A childs welfare cannot be promoted whilst been separated from others, because they will not thrive but for their needs been met equally by parents, or other key carers, and also by means of the environment in whi ch they live. A definition used by the Government in regards to safeguarding children is said to be; The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully. As Individual we have the right to live freely from violence and abuse. This autonomy is supported by the responsibility on public agencies that works under the Human Rights Act (1998) to intervene proportionately to protect the rights of citizens. Such rights include the Right to life, Freedom from torture which may include humiliation and shameful treatment and Right to family life to uphold the individual. The experience of abuse and neglect is likely to have a significant impact on a persons health and well being. On more than one occasion, medical practitioners who noticed marks on Victorias body considered the possibility that children who have grown up in Africa may be expected to have more marks on their bodies than those who have been raised in Europe. This assumption, regardless of whether it is valid or not, may prevent a full assessment of those marks being made. In the year 2009 October the 12th a new Vetting and Barring scheme was produce whereby several new lists came into existence, one protecting individuals working with children and that of working with adults. The restricted files will be governed via a different body, which is known as the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). Individuals found on such records within the ISA are obliged to be banned from a far wider range of keeping up performance than before. Harmonised actions will be reinforced generally to NHS and social care workers. The recent proposal is been established on a phased basis which comes into effect from July 2010. Individuals who are now working with children or vulnerable adults whom has changed professions will be forced to sign up through the ISA. At present district nurses in positions are obligated to register from 2011, so therefore all referrals are now expected to be made to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) was created as part of the Governments Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults. It is a Non Departmental Public Body, sponsored by the Home Office. They work in corporation along with the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) to assist in making certain there is no rationale for why individuals who wants to work or volunteer in the company of children or vulnerable adults should not do so. As stated in the Safeguarding for Adults frame work article it says that the group of adults who are in subjective by the No Secrets are individuals who is or may be eligible for community care services. In such groups, folks who were unable to protect themselves from significant harm are called vulnerable adults. Though the term vulnerable adults elevates the occurrence in maltreatment experienced by the individual or the group, at hand it is acknowledged that this characterization is debatable. Therefore been labelled can mislead, because one can direct basis of mistreatment towards the victim, instead of placing accountability by means of conduct or elimination of others. The demand of safeguards to shield vulnerable adults and children was tainted by the Richard Inquiry (2004) shortly after the murder of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells in 2002. Following the proposal of the Inquiry, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006 came to pass to make sure that there is a more forceful structure to safeguard folks at risk. The Act came into existence on the 20 January 2009, to improve procedures for safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse or the possibility of harm by workers or volunteers whose employment allows them a considerable amount of access to such individuals. Emphasis is now placed on aiding adults to have admission to services of their own choice, instead of stepping in to afford protection. Better Government for Older People is a mo del of how the support of dynamic residency for all is been assessed as an investment on a fundamental position in avoiding risks to their independence. Meanwhile, the responsibility to offer protection to those who do not have the mental capacity entrance themselves has become clearer (e.g. Human Rights Act 1988, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004). In acknowledgment of the shifting context, earlier suggestions to the safety of vulnerable adults and to adult protection effort are currently substituted by the new term: Safeguarding Adults. This expression measures all toil which permits an adult who is or may be eligible for community care services to maintain independence, security, preference and their human right to exist in a life that is liberated from abuse and neglect. Such explanation particularly embrace individuals who are considered as being able to majority of the care services, as well as those in good health and are entitled for soci etal care services but such needs in relation to safeguarding is for admittance to normal services such as the police. The children Act 1989 puts in place legal requirements for child protection practise. The Act introduces actions that are applicable for when a child may be at risk of abuse. Community and undisclosed guidelines correlated to children works under such law, in a progression of values overriding the performance and procedures, equally in and away from court. An important fundamental in regards to the requirements of the children Act, 1989, is that the childs welfare should be paramount in making decisions about her life and property. There is no exact description in the Act to say what is understood by welfare nevertheless it is obvious in an attempt to clarify its meaning that by far it is a substantial and objective welfare and that it furthermore refers to the childs emotional, social and moral well-being. Shortly after the Children Act of 2004 introduced a legislative structure intended for the support of the community to protect children within England and Wales. All organisations that came into contact with services to children, together with healthcare organisations, are required to cooperate to make sure that in implementing the purpose they safeguard and uphold the safety of children. Safeguarding children is dependent on the efficient professional work done in connection with the organisation and specialist with respect to their different job roles and expertise. Baby peters death was very upsetting, it went quite far beyond been an exceptional crime. Too many children has been killed in similar situations which tallies up to 30 children in this country since that of Baby P and majority of them has died at the hands of a carer or parent. What raised attention to these cases was due to how many times the local authority, including Haringey who handled the case of Victoria climbie and was judged for neglecting the protection which was meant to be given to her several years earlier, such children were seen not be taken seriously therefore protection was not given. Whilst baby peter was alive he was taken to the hospital on many occasions with injuries shown and was seen to up to 60 times by different professionals just months before he passed away. The guardian cited that couple of days before peter died he was seen by a paediatrician who did not realise that his broken back and paraplegia. A headline on the Article noted that Baby peter was bor n into a nightmare of abuse, violence and despair, he never stood a chance. It went on to say that snarled family life of Baby Peter is a realistic forewarning of the trails that many generations of abandoned and primitive abuse can visit on children. Although children comprise one of the largest and most vulnerable groups in society, their needs are frequently not recognised or met (Cloke Naish, 1992). The Every Child Matters (2003) article places an interest that a childs wellbeing and safeguarding of him or her from trivial distress is critical and the liability is that of the parents, carers and professionals working with children. There is a shift in attitude amongst policy makers that suggests the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone (DoH, 2002). During earlier period to current times, extreme cases that ranged from 197Os to recent times where children have been abused or died by the direct hands of their carers, because of this the protection of children has become a soaring concern for the government. Cloke and Naish (1992) has reasoned that the nursing profession holds a definite input in tackling child abuse, from happening to them getting involved in an extended period local authority care. Professionals working within the healthcare plays an important position in making sure that children and families recieves the best care, assistance and services they require in request to improve childrens wellbeing and development. Working together to safeguard children is the national framework for child protection practise and its guidance applies to everyone working with children and families'(DH,1999). This justifies how the child protection procedure works, appointing the duties of professionals and the measures to pursue whilst there are apprehension regarding a child. One of the principles of working together and the accompanying framework for the Assessment of children in need and their families is that child protection practise should be operated within a broader framework of children in need'(DH, 2000). This take into consideration the requirements of children whom are been looked after, have a disablity, somewhat abused in the course of prostitution or suffer societal exclusion. It is fair to state that the Laming Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie (Laming 2003) has resulted in much of this unprecedented governmental activity and that this is now driving national policy development even though other children have died through parental or carer abuse (DoH 2002a, DHSS 1991, DHSS 1982). It is obvious that to hand is an overload of policy change are controlling how the society protects and safeguard children and vulnerable adults and this is more recognised within the health care. The NHS has been subjected to the audit and inspection of child protection arrangements across all trusts (DoH 2002b, CHI 2003a, CHI 2003b) many following on from the Laming Inquiry (Laming 2003). This was also related to the rationalization of the duty carried out by higher administration at a level for safeguarding children, structured on overruling the guidance of Child Protection Responsibilities of Primary Care Trusts published in 2002. In addition to such proposal the Kennedy Report (DoH 2001) has asked agencies and folks to think about how they support and safeguard children in health care and this has develop into a crucial issue supporting of the Childrens National Service Framework (DoH 2004b). Given all these initiatives it can be difficult for primary care practitioners, because of their diverse working environments and practice, to keep abreast of the changes that will be affecting their role and particularly if children and young people are not their designated client group (Thain 2000). In time it will be expected that primary health care practitioners needs to increase their awareness on the basis about safeguarding children, undertaking specialized training and to be able to take on challenges if and when necessary action is needed. Whilst the need for widespread child protection training and particular medical administration are fairly recent in the health service programmes, the accountability is for everyone to take it upon themselves to be aware of when a child may be at risk is the requirement of section 47 of the Children Act 1989 (DoH 1989). This requirement is detailed within Working Together to Safeguard Children (DoH 1999) and the more recent publication What to Do if You Are Worried a Child is Being Abused (DoH 2003) sent to every practitio ner on the NMC register. Although the Children Act stands as, the Code of Professional Conduct is also there to identify the dependability of practitioners to protect and support the health of individual patients and clients (NMC 2002, Robsbaw and Smith 2004). Therefore referrals of children who have a need or may be at risk of abuse should be pointed to the appropriate authorities whom are already surrounded by the protection of the code; on the other hand practitioners are compelled not to infringe secrecy except given the go ahead or within the publics interest to do so. The question is asked as to what safeguarding might be; a definition specifies that for one to develop and thrive, the youth should be tested of their ability the same as been kept out of harms way through the community contributing opportunities in order for them to grow. To safeguard young people it is more than just protecting them, it requires a complete action taken to ensure no harm is potentially placed in their way. By its very nature abuse the misuse of power by one person over another has a large impact on a persons independence. Neglect can prevent a person who is dependent on others for their basic needs exercising choice and control over the fundamental aspects of their life and can cause humiliation and loss of dignity. ADSS, 2005
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Foundation and Empire 26. End Of The Search
There was not a word to be said. The echoes of the blast rolled away into the outer rooms and rumbled downward into a hoarse, dying whisper. Before its death, it had muffled the sharp clamor of Bayta's falling blaster, smothered Magnifico's high-pitched cry, drowned out Toran's inarticulate roar. There was a silence of agony. Bayta's head was bent into obscurity. A droplet caught the light as it fell. Bayta had never wept since her childhood. Toran's muscles almost cracked in their spasm, but he did not relax – he felt as if he would never unclench his teeth again. Magnifico's face was a faded, lifeless mask. Finally, from between teeth still tight, Toran choked out in an unrecognizable voice, â€Å"You're a Mule's woman, then. He got to you!†Bayta looked up, and her mouth twisted with a painful merriment, â€Å"I, a Mule's woman? That's ironic.†She smiled – a brittle effort – and tossed her hair back. Slowly, her voice verged back to the normal, or something near it. â€Å"It's over, Toran; I can talk now. How much I will survive, I don't know. But I can start talking-â€Å" Toran's tension had broken of its own weight and faded into a flaccid dullness, â€Å"Talk about what, Bay? What's there to talk about?†â€Å"About the calamity that's followed us. We've remarked about it before, Torie. Don't you remember? How defeat has always bitten at our heels and never actually managed to nip us? We were on the Foundation, and it collapsed while the Independent Traders still fought – but we got out in time to go to Haven. We were on Haven, and it collapsed while the others still fought – and again we got out in time. We went to Neotrantor, and by now it's undoubtedly joined the Mule.†Toran listened and shook his head, â€Å"I don't understand.†â€Å"Torie, such things don't happen in real life. You and I are insignificant people; we don't fall from one vortex of politics into another continuously for the space of a year – unless we carry the vortex with us. Unless we carry the source of infection with us! Now do you see?†Toran's lips tightened. His glance fixed horribly upon the bloody remnants of what had once been a human, and his eyes sickened. â€Å"Let's get out of here, Bay. Let's get out into the open.†It was cloudy outside. The wind scudded about them in drab spurts and disordered Bayta's hair. Magnifico had crept after them and now he hovered at the edge of their conversation. Toran said tightly, â€Å"You killed Ebling Mis because you believed him to be the focus of infection?†Something in her eyes struck him. He whispered, â€Å"He was the Mule?†He did not – could not – believe the implications of his own words. Bayta laughed sharply, â€Å"Poor Ebling the Mule? Galaxy, no! I couldn't have killed him if he were the Mule. He would have detected the emotion accompanying the move and changed it for me to love, devotion, adoration, terror, whatever he pleased. No, I killed Ebling because he was not the Mule. I killed him because he knew where the Second Foundation was, and in two seconds would have told the Mule the secret.†â€Å"Would have told the Mule the secret,†Toran repeated stupidly. â€Å"Told the Mule-â€Å" And then he emitted a sharp cry, and turned to stare in horror at the clown, who might have been crouching unconscious there for the apparent understanding he had of what he heard. â€Å"Not Magnifico?†Toran whispered the question. â€Å"Listen!†said Bayta. â€Å"Do you remember what happened on Neotrantor? Oh, think for yourself, Torie-â€Å" But he shook his head and mumbled at her. She went on, wearily, â€Å"A man died on Neotrantor. A man died with no one touching him. Isn't that true? Magnifico played on his Visi-Sonor and when he was finished, the crown prince was dead. Now isn't that strange? Isn't it queer that a creature afraid of everything, apparently helpless with terror, has the capacity to kill at will.†â€Å"The music and the light-effects,†said Toran, â€Å"have a profound emotional effect-â€Å" â€Å"Yes, an emotional effect. A pretty big one. Emotional effects happen to be the Mule's specialty. That, I suppose, can be considered a coincidence. And a creature who can kill by suggestion is so full of fright. Well, the Mule tampered with his mind, supposedly, so that can be explained. But, Toran, I caught a little of that Visi-Sonor selection that killed the crown prince. Just a little – but it was enough to give me that same feeling of despair I had in the Time Vault and on Haven. Toran, I can't mistake that particular feeling.†Toran's face was darkening. â€Å"I†¦ felt it, too. I forgot. I never thought-â€Å" â€Å"It was then that it first occurred to me. It was just a vague feeling – intuition, if you like. I had nothing to go on. And then Pritcher told us of the Mule and his mutation, and it was clear in a moment. It was the Mule who had created the despair in the Time Vault; it was Magnifico who had created the despair on Neotrantor. It was the same emotion. Therefore, the Mule and Magnifico were the same person. Doesn't it work out nicely, Torie? Isn't it just like an axiom in geometry – things equal to the same thing are equal to each other?†She was at the edge of hysteria, but dragged herself back to sobriety by main force. She continued, â€Å"The discovery scared me to death. If Magnifico were the Mule, he could know my emotions – and cure them for his own purposes. I dared not let him know. I avoided him. Luckily, he avoided me also; he was too interested in Ebling Mis. I planned killing Mis before he could talk. I planned it secretly – as secretly as I could – so secretly I didn't dare tell it to myself. â€Å"If I could have killed the Mule himself – But I couldn't take the chance. He would have noticed, and I would have lost everything.†She seemed drained of emotion. Toran said harshly and with finality, â€Å"It's impossible. Look at the miserable creature. He the Mule? He doesn't even hear what we're saying.†But when his eyes followed his pointing finger, Magnifico was erect and alert, his eyes sharp and darkly bright. His voice was without a trace of an accent, â€Å"I hear her, my friend. It is merely that I have been sitting here and brooding on the fact that with all my cleverness and forethought I could make a mistake, and lose so much.†Toran stumbled backward as if afraid the clown might touch him or that his breath might contaminate him. Magnifico nodded, and answered the unspoken question. â€Å"I am the Mule.†He seemed no longer a grotesque; his pipestem limbs, his beak of a nose lost their humor-compelling qualities. His fear was gone; his bearing was firm. He was in command of the situation with an ease born of usage. He said, tolerantly, â€Å"Seat yourselves. Go ahead; you might as well sprawl out and make yourselves comfortable. The game's over, and I'd like to tell you a story. It's a weakness of mine – I want people to understand me.†And his eyes as he looked at Bayta were still the old, soft sad brown ones of Magnifico, the clown. â€Å"There is nothing really to my childhood,†he began, plunging bodily into quick, impatient speech, â€Å"that I care to remember. Perhaps you can understand that. My meagerness is glandular; my nose I was born with. It was not possible for me to lead a normal childhood. My mother died before she saw me. I do not know my father. I grew up haphazard, wounded and tortured in mind, full of self-pity and hatred of others. I was known then as a queer child. All avoided me; most out of dislike; some out of fear. Queer incidents occurred – Well, never mind! Enough happened to enable Captain Pritcher, in his investigation of my childhood to realize that I was a mutant, which was more than I ever realized until I was in my twenties.†Toran and Bayta listened distantly. The wash of his voice broke over them, seated on the ground as they were, unheeded almost. The clown – or the Mule – paced before them with little steps, speaking downward to his own folded arms. â€Å"The whole notion of my unusual power seems to have broken on me so slowly, in such sluggish steps. Even toward the end, I couldn't believe it. To me, men's minds are dials, with pointers that indicate the prevailing emotion. It is a poor picture, but how else can I explain it? Slowly, I learned that I could reach into those minds and turn the pointer to the spot I wished, that I could nail it there forever. And then it took even longer to realize that others couldn't. â€Å"But the consciousness of power came, and with it, the desire to make up for the miserable position of my earlier life. Maybe you can understand it. Maybe you can try to understand it. It isn't easy to be a freak – to have a mind and an understanding and be a freak. Laughter and cruelty! To be different! To be an outsider! â€Å"You've never been through it!†Magnifico looked up to the sky and teetered on the balls of his feet and reminisced stonily, â€Å"But I eventually did learn, and I decided that the Galaxy and I could take turns. Come, they had had their innings, and I had been patient about it – for twenty-two years. My turn! It would be up to the rest of you to take it! And the odds would be fair enough for the Galaxy. One of me! Quadrillions of them!†He paused to glance at Bayta swiftly. â€Å"But I had a weakness. I was nothing in myself. If I could gain power, it could only be by means of others. Success came to me through middlemen. Always! It was as Pritcher said. Through a pirate, I obtained my first asteroidal base of operations. Through an industrialist I got my first foothold on a planet. Through a variety of others ending with the warlord of Kalgan, I won Kalgan itself and got a navy. After that, it was the Foundation – and you two come into the story. â€Å"The Foundation,†he said, softly, â€Å"was the most difficult task I had met. To beat it, I would have to win over, break down, or render useless an extraordinary proportion of its ruling class. I could have done it from scratch – but a short cut was possible, and I looked for it. After all, if a strong man can lift five hundred pounds, it does not mean that he is eager to do so continuously. My emotional control is not an easy task, I prefer not to use it, where not fully necessary. So I accepted allies in my first attack upon the Foundation. â€Å"As my clown, I looked for the agent, or agents, of the Foundation that must inevitably have been sent to Kalgan to investigate my humble self. I know now it was Han Pritcher I was looking for. By a stroke of fortune, I found you instead. I am a telepath, but not a complete one, and, my lady, you were from the Foundation. I was led astray by that. It was not fatal for Pritcher joined us afterward, but it was the starting point of an error that was fatal.†Toran stirred for the first time. He spoke in an outraged tone, â€Å"Hold on, now. You mean that when I outfaced that lieutenant on Kalgan with only a stun pistol, and rescued you – that you had emotionally-controlled me into it.†He was spluttering. â€Å"You mean I've been tampered with all along.†A thin smile played on Magnifico's face. â€Å"Why not? You don't think it's likely? Ask yourself then – Would you have risked death for a strange grotesque you had never seen before, if you had been in your right mind? I imagine you were surprised at events in cold after-blood.†â€Å"Yes,†said Bayta, distantly, â€Å"he was. It's quite plain.†â€Å"As it was,†continued the Mule, â€Å"Toran was in no danger. The lieutenant had his own strict instructions to let us go. So the three of us and Pritcher went to the Foundation – and see how my campaign shaped itself instantly. When Pritcher was court-martialed and we were present, I was busy. The military judges of that trial later commanded their squadrons in the war. They surrendered rather easily, and my Navy won the battle of Horleggor, and other lesser affairs. â€Å"Through Pritcher, I met Dr. Mis, who brought me a Visi-Sonor, entirely of his own accord, and simplified my task immensely. Only it wasn't entirely of his own accord.†Bayta interrupted, â€Å"Those concerts! I've been trying to fit them in. Now I see.†â€Å"Yes,†said Magnifico, â€Å"the Visi-Sonor acts as a focusing device. In a way, it is a primitive device for emotional control in itself. With it, I can handle people in quantity and single people more intensively. The concerts I gave on Terminus before it fell and Haven before it fell contributed to the general defeatism. I might have made the crown prince of Neotrantor very sick without the Visi-Sonor, but I could not have killed him. You see? â€Å"But it was Ebling Mis who was my most important find. He might have been-†Magnifico said it with chagrin, then hurried on, â€Å"There is a special facet to emotional control you do not know about. Intuition or insight or hunch-tendency, whatever you wish to call it, can be treated as an emotion. At least, I can treat it so. You don't understand it, do you?†He waited for no negative, â€Å"The human mind works at low efficiency. Twenty percent is the figure usually given. When, momentarily, there is a flash of greater power it is termed a hunch, or insight, or intuition. I found early that I could induce a continual use of high brain-efficiency. It is a killing process for the person affected, but it is useful. The nuclear field-depressor which I used in the war against the Foundation was the result of high-pressuring a Kalgan technician. Again I work through others. â€Å"Ebling Mis was the bull's-eye. His potentialities were high, and I needed him. Even before my war with the Foundation had opened, I had already sent delegates to negotiate with the Empire. It was at that time I began my search for the Second Foundation. Naturally, I didn't find it. Naturally, I knew that I must find it – and Ebling Mis was the answer. With his mind at high efficiency, he might possibly have duplicated the work of Hari Seldon. â€Å"Partly, he did. I drove him to the utter limit. The process was ruthless, but had to be completed. He was dying at the end, but he lived-†Again, his chagrin interrupted him. â€Å"He would have lived long enough. Together, we three could have gone onward to the Second Foundation. It would have been the last battle – but for my mistake.†Toran stirred his voice to hardness, â€Å"Why do you stretch it out so? What was your mistake, and†¦ and have done with your speech.†â€Å"Why, your wife was the mistake. Your wife was an unusual person. I had never met her like before in my life. I†¦ I-†Quite suddenly, Magnifico's voice broke. He recovered with difficulty. There was a grimness about him as he continued. â€Å"She liked me without my having to juggle her emotions. She was neither repelled by me nor amused by me. She liked me! â€Å"Don't you understand? Can't you see what that would mean to me? Never before had anyone – Well, I†¦ cherished that. My own emotions played me false, though I was master of all others. I stayed out of her mind, you see; I did not tamper with it. I cherished the natural feeling too greatly. It was my mistake – the first. â€Å"You, Toran, were under control. You never suspected me; never questioned me; never saw anything peculiar or strange about me. As for instance, when the ‘Filian' ship stopped us. They knew our location, by the way, because I was in communication with them, as I've remained in communication with my generals at all times. When they stopped us, I was taken aboard to adjust Han Pritcher, who was on it as a prisoner. When I left, he was a colonel, a Mule's man, and in command. The whole procedure was too open even for you, Toran. Yet you accepted my explanation of the matter, which was full of fallacies. See what I mean?†Toran grimaced, and challenged him, â€Å"How did you retain communications with your generals?†â€Å"There was no difficulty to it. Hyperwave transmitters are easy to handle and eminently portable. Nor could I be detected in a real sense! Anyone who did catch me in the act would leave me with a slice gapped out of his memory. It happened, on occasion. â€Å"On Neotrantor, my own foolish emotions betrayed me again. Bayta was not under my control, but even so might never have suspected me if I had kept my head about the crown prince. His intentions towards Bayta – annoyed me. â€Å"I killed him. It was a foolish gesture. An unobtrusive flight would have served as well. â€Å"And still your suspicions would not have been certainties, if I had stopped Pritcher in his well-intentioned babbling, or paid less attention to Mis and more to you-†He shrugged. â€Å"That's the end of it?†asked Bayta. â€Å"That's the end.†â€Å"What now, then?†â€Å"I'll continue with my program. That I'll find another as adequately brained and trained as Ebling Mis in these degenerate days, I doubt. I shall have to search for the Second Foundation otherwise. In a sense you have defeated me.†And now Bayta was upon her feet, triumphant. â€Å"In a sense? Only in a sense? We have defeated you entirely! All your victories outside the Foundation count for nothing, since the Galaxy is a barbarian vacuum now. The Foundation itself is only a minor victory, since it wasn't meant to stop your variety of crisis. It's the Second Foundation you must beat – the Second Foundation – and it's the Second Foundation that will defeat you. Your only chance was to locate it and strike it before it was prepared. You won't do that now. Every minute from now on, they will be readier for you. At this moment, at this moment, the machinery may have started. You'll know – when it strikes you, and your short term of power will be over, and you'll be just another strutting conqueror, flashing quickly and meanly across the bloody face of history.†She was breathing hard, nearly gasping in her vehemence, â€Å"And we've defeated you, Toran and I. I am satisfied to die.†But the Mule's sad, brown eyes were the sad, brown, loving eyes of Magnifico. â€Å"I won't kill you or your husband. It is, after all, impossible for you two to hurt me further; and killing you won't bring back Ebling Mis. My mistakes were my own, and I take responsibility for them. Your husband and yourself may leave! Go in peace, for the sake of what I call – friendship.†Then, with a sudden touch of pride, â€Å"And meanwhile I am still the Mule, the most powerful man in the Galaxy. I shall still defeat the Second Foundation.†And Bayta shot her last arrow with a firm, calm certitude, â€Å"You won't! I have faith in the wisdom of Seldon yet. You shall be the last ruler of your dynasty, as well as the first.†Something caught Magnifico. â€Å"Of my dynasty? Yes, I had thought of that, often. That I might establish a dynasty. That I might have a suitable consort.†Bayta suddenly caught the meaning of the look in his eyes and froze horribly. Magnifico shook his head. â€Å"I sense your revulsion, but that's silly. If things were otherwise, I could make you happy very easily. It would be an artificial ecstasy, but there would be no difference between it and the genuine emotion. But things are not otherwise. I call myself the Mule – but not because of my strength – obviously-â€Å" He left them, never looking back.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Four Season Hotel Analysis
Amy Huboi TIP-Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels The company that I have chosen for the theory in practice report is the Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels. The company is dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FS and it is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSH. The company originated in Toronto, Canada over forty years ago when owner and CEO, Isadore Sharp, opened up the first Four Seasons hotel. His concept was to create a chain of luxury hotels that offered excellence in service and amenities.The hotel currently has sixty-four properties in twenty-nine countries. The majority of properties are held under the Four Seasons and Regent hotel brands. The company has also established branded share ownership properties and private residences. My personal interest in this company is a result of my husband’s employment at the Four Seasons Aviara over the last nine years. I have seen first hand how this company takes immense pride in their staff and their well-being.The company also has extensive training for employees and provides many benefits, such as promotions and management training programs. The company has been extremely successful throughout the years because of their strong focus on specific market segments and their needs. The company has utilized successful strategies, which have aided in their financial success and stability when other competitors have failed or taken a loss. Chapter 1 Mission Statement and Values The Four Season’s has created a mission and values statement that encompasses the company’s goals, beliefs and principles.The mission statement has been developed to serve as a starting point for the company’s overall business strategy. It is also meant to be a source of guidance for Four Season’s employees. Their mission statement incorporates four important attributes of the company; â€Å"who we are,†â€Å"what we believe,†â€Å"how we behav e,†and â€Å"how we succeed[1]. †The Four Seasons main purpose is to provide the finest luxury accommodations to their guests. The company’s goal is to be regarded as the best in hotel and resort management.The Four Seasons believes their employees are their most vital assets. The quality of the employees is paramount for the company in their achievement of organizational objectives. Four Seasons believes it takes a unified and cooperative employee effort to satisfy the guests’ needs and to achieve success in the industry[2]. The company has developed the philosophy that individuals (employees and guests) should be treated fairly, ethically, and respectfully. Four Seasons has adopted the â€Å"Golden Rule,†which states: â€Å"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you[3]. This has become the underlying foundation for the Four Seasons company culture. Although the Four Seasons wants to be known as the leader in the luxury hospitality ind ustry, they have a strong belief that the pursuit of this objective should not overshadow their high ethical standards. The overall financial goal of the company is to earn â€Å"a fair and reasonable profit†in order to protect the investments of all stakeholders[4]. Four Seasons also focuses on long-term strategies, which ensures profitable growth. Chapter 2 Porter’s Five Forces ModelRisk of Entry by Potential Competitors: Low The companies in this specific industry offer customers a highly differentiated product. The luxury hotel industry has high brand loyalty among their customers. This can be justified by the premium price customers are willing to pay for a hotel room. According to Karl Huboi: â€Å"Once a guest experiences luxury hospitality they will never settle for anything less[5]. The existence of strong brand loyalty is difficult for new entrants to break unless they offer a superior service, which can be quite costly.It is difficult for new entrants to g ain access to the capital requirements needed to develop and build a luxury hotel. It can cost over $200 million to build a new luxury hotel and this does not include the cost of employees and marketing[6]. The industry’s incumbents have established relationships and experience, which enables them to achieve significant cost savings. In addition to brand loyalty and costs the new entrants must also contend with the probability of retaliation from the established hotels. Rivalry Among Established Companies: HighThe luxury hospitality industry is fairly concentrated. There are approximately 10 key competitors of the Four Seasons. The hotel companies are: Accor, Fairmont Hotels, Hilton, Hyatt, Millennium & Copthorne Hotels, Orient-Express Hotels, Ritz-Carlton, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Thistle Hotels and Wyndam[7]. The level of diversity among the companies is medium to low because the majority of the companies provide similar types of high quality service. The high cost of b uilding, furnishing and servicing the hotels in the industry create high fixed costs and high exit barriers.In addition to monetary costs the companies also have strong relationships and bonds with employees, investors and guests, which are difficult (financially and emotionally) to divest. As a result of the economic downturn in the last few years the hotel industry has experienced slow or even stagnant growth. There were several hotel companies that held back development projects and laid off employees in order to avoid a financial loss. Currently, there has been a steadily increasing demand for luxury hotels in the lodging industry. The Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Starwood luxury collection, St.Regis and W Hotels luxury chains are the primary hotels that have begun to witness the increase in consumer demand[8]. Power of Buyers: Low The consumers of the luxury hotel industry purchase a low volume in relation to the industry’s total capacity. The level of differentiation tha t the companies offer is high. This makes it difficult for consumers to compare luxury accommodations with standard accommodations. Consumers that want to stay at hotels, such as the Four Seasons, are willing to pay the higher premium because they value the service.When the quality of the service is high the buyer usually has low pricing power. There is very little threat of backward integration from the consumer due to the high costs of startup in the luxury hotel industry. Power of Suppliers: Medium The number of suppliers to the hotel industry is extremely high. The types of suppliers for hotels include: furniture suppliers, linen and bedding suppliers, food suppliers, decor suppliers, appliance suppliers, and uniform suppliers. The availability of substitutes is generally high, except when supplies are developed exclusively for hotels.For example the Four Seasons uses specially made Bulgari and L’Occitaine products in their hotel bathrooms. The Four Seasons also has mattr esses made specifically for the hotel rooms. In instances like these hotels can become reliant on specific supplies. The majority of hotels have regional contracts with suppliers. This locks the hotel companies into using certain suppliers and creates switching costs. Supplier power is slightly reduced by their reliance on the hotel industry, especially in the case of uniform and food suppliers[9]. Power of Substitutes: LowThere are substitutes for lodging, such as camping, hostels and motels, but none of these offers the service and amenities that luxury hotels provide to their guests. This is the main reason why there is a low threat of substitutes to the luxury hotel industry. Overall, the luxury hotel industry can be relatively profitable due to the low threat of new entrants, low power of buyers and low threat of substitutes. Chapter 3 Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage There are four â€Å"building blocks†that create a competitive advantage for companies: superio r efficiency, superior quality, superior innovation and superior customer responsiveness.Each of these factors can contribute to increasing the consumer’s perception of quality and decreasing the company’s cost structure[10]. The Four Seasons Hotels strives to achieve superiority in each of these components thus allowing them to maintain an advantage over their key competitors. At the Four Seasons employee productivity is the main measure of efficiency. The company has developed a rigorous interview process to ensure the hotel hires employees that match the Four Seasons criteria. Four Seasons requires that their employees have strong moral values, teamwork mentality and high quality work ethics[11].The Four Seasons has also developed extensive employee training in order to further develop the employee’s skills and traits. The company believes in empowering their employees in order to shorten the process when dealing with problems. This gives the employees a sens e of importance and pride at work regardless of their status at the hotel. The Four Seasons also provides full benefits and other perks, such as â€Å"comp nights,†in order to further generate employee satisfaction, productivity and to realize the guests experience[12].The superior quality of the Four Seasons experience is measured by the guest’s perception of service and value. A key indicator of the consumer’s value for the Hotel’s service is the achieved daily room rates (ADR). If a guest perceives the quality and value of the Four Seasons to be high then he/she is willing to pay a higher room rate. The company’s overall ADR has increased by 4. 3% in 2003. This was above the average ADR for the luxury hotel segment. The high quality of the Four Seasons service/product is also reflected in the numerous awards and accolades they have received.Several of the Four Seasons have achieved the five diamond status, which is a prestigious award given by the American Automobile Association (AAA). In 2004 the company had 19 properties that were awarded five diamonds[13]The Four Seasons has also dominated many surveys and polls, such as Andrew Harper’s Hideaway Report. In 2003 the company had over 13 hotels listed on the top fifty of the Harper’s Hideaway Report[14]. The Four Seasons has been a pioneer in developing innovative standards in the hotel industry[15]. They were the first U. S. ompany to include bathroom amenities, like shampoo, bathrobes, hairdryers and make-up mirrors in their hotel rooms[16]. The Four Seasons provides 24-hour room service, overnight dry cleaning, shoe shining and fitness centers. The hotels also prepare specialty meals for guests who prefer low fat meals or who have dietary requirements. The innovation of these standards has created and strengthened brand loyalty among guests who value these types of services and attention to detail. The Four Seasons has made an unwavering commitment on pro viding â€Å"uncompromising service†to their guests[17]. Uncompromising service is more than a paper strategy, it has become the defining competitive difference for Four Seasons[18]. †The power that the company gives to their employees allows them to quickly and efficiently handle the most unusual requests. This enables the company to exceed the guest’s expectations of consumer responsiveness. Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy The Four Seasons has developed their business strategy based off the concept of differentiation. They provide their guests with a distinctive and unique level of service.Their customer focus is primarily business travelers, corporate groups and leisure travelers. Although the hotels generally attract certain clientele the Four Seasons policy does not allow for discrimination and believes all guests deserve the same exceptional experience[19]. The company has created a strategy that focuses on four important components. The Four Seasons co ncentrates on â€Å"small to medium sized luxury hotels[20]. †This allows hotel management to effectively operate each hotel and provide the guests with more intimacy. The hotel company also concentrates on hotel management services instead of hotel ownership.Management service is one of the Four Seasons main distinctive competencies. The company has established partnerships with investors who provide the backing for hotel development. The investors receive ownership in the hotels while the Four Seasons takes sole responsibility for managing the hotels and resorts. Approximately, ninety to ninety-five percent of the companies earnings are a result of the management fees[21] The company currently has majority ownership in only three properties[22]. Another component of Four Seasons strategy is their â€Å"golden rule†philosophy.The company believes it is important for every level of employee to participate in treating others fairly and respectfully. This principle cre ates an atmosphere, which facilitates a positive work environment and adds to the guest’s experience. The Four Seasons has also identified their â€Å"uncompromising service†as another component of their strategy and as their â€Å"distinctive edge†against competitors[23]. The company’s knowledge and background in creating unique experiences for customers provides the Four Seasons with pricing power thus giving the company an advantage over rivals. Chapter 6 Mature IndustriesThe hotel industry is a mature industry. There are several different types and sizes of hotel companies, but the larger companies generally dominate the industry. The luxury hotel segment focuses more on non-price competition to deter new entrants, such as market penetration, product development and market development. The Four Seasons concentrates on increasing their market share and continuous growth by developing new hotels in different regions. At the end of 2004 the number of F our Seasons properties will have reached 70. The company president, Isadore Sharp, hopes to have a total of 100 properties by 2010[24].The Four Seasons has also begun to expand into new niches or markets with product proliferation. In 1997 the company opened its first luxury vacation ownerships (timeshares) at the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad, California. The company believes this is another way to reach and satisfy guests who value the quality of Four Seasons experience. â€Å"The Four Seasons Residence Club experience will bring an exclusivity, privacy, luxury and service level never before available in the vacation ownership arena[25]. †They have also opened up residence clubs at the Scottsdale, Jackson Hole, and Punta Mita properties.In addition to the fractional ownership venture the company has also developed private residences in Jackson Hole, San Francisco, Miami and Scottsdale. The luxury hotel segment rarely uses price-based competition, such as price sig naling or pricing games. These types of tactics can drive down room rates to a level that is not profitable for any company in the industry. This is not the goal in the luxury hotel segment. Many companies, like the Four Seasons, want to create superior value so they can justify the premium room rates. The Four Seasons does not believe in using pricing games as a strategy to deter entry.It against their policy to cut prices as a competitive means. This strategy is warranted by the fact that the hotels attract guests based on the product not the cost[26]. Chapter 7 Technical Standards There are many established standards or specifications that must be upheld for a hotel to be classified as a luxury accommodation. These standards are also important in the selection of hotels to be deemed a five diamond or five star establishment. According to the AAA the factors to be considered when judging a hotel are its age, size, architectural design and appeal. In ddition the AAA bases its asses sment on the guests overall impression of the establishment[27]. It is important for luxury hotels to follow these criteria and to receive superior evaluations because these ratings impact the hotels credibility among consumers. There are also other specific features that hotels must have in order to achieve five star or five-diamond status. Some of the examples are: valet service, 24 hour room service, live flowers and plants inside the rooms and premises, real wood detailing, fine art work, fitness centers, minimum of two restaurants (one being fine dining) and pressing services[28].These standards make up the dominant design for each Four Seasons Hotel. This means that every hotel that is built must adhere to certain specifications that have been established by the industry. The differences that do exist among the hotels are seen in varying features such as the furnishings, architectural layouts, color schemes and locations. Chapter 8 Multidomestic Strategy The Four Seasons has f ollowed a multidomestic strategy throughout their expansion into international and domestic regions. The key distinguishing feature of multidomestic companies is that they extensively customize both their product offering and their marketing strategy to match different national conditions[29]. †This strategy is also feasible when the company is not reliant on cost reductions for maximizing profitability. In the luxury hotel industry it is necessary to modify certain aspects when entering the global market. The Four Seasons has maintained the highest levels of local responsiveness in their aggressive overseas expansion.The modification of the hotels for different regions is often reflected in the hotel design and in the service features. When the Four Seasons builds hotels they always take into account the natural environment of the location. For example the, Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa have been designed to resemble the tropical huts of the region[30]. The Four Seasons also considers the size of the hotel when entering a new location. It is important to not build a hotel that over scales its environment because it could be seen as offensive to the community.The Four Seasons is also conscious of blending the local culture in with the service features of the hotels. For example each hotel offers cuisine that is unique to its location[31]. The Four Seasons has been successful at transferring their distinct corporate culture and core standards to each hotel it manages. The company is not overly concerned with lowering costs thus making it possible for them to provide customized service and quality regardless of the hotels location. The premium rates charged by the Four Seasons for their customized product offering offsets the added costs of being locally responsive. Chapter 9Horizontal Integration In the mid 1990’s the Four Seasons decided to horizontally integrate by acquiring Regent International Hotels, a luxury hotel chain in Asia[ 32]. The Regent brand was experiencing a significant financial burden and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The Four Seasons decided that acquiring the Regent Hotels would help them build their market share. After being extensively investigated by Regents investors, the Four Seasons was sold the right to takeover Regent’s fifteen properties[33]. The acquisition allowed the Four Seasons to become â€Å"the dominant company in the luxury hotel market worldwide[34]. After the Four Seasons became listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges in 1997, the company decided to sell off the Regent brand. The Four Seasons sold only the â€Å"rights to future development of the Regent Brand name to Carlson Hospitality Worldwide, a global leader in hospitality services[35]. †The agreement between Carlson and Four Seasons allowed both companies to utilize the Regent brand reputation as a source of competitive development. The Four Seasons still maintains ownership rights to eight of the established Regent Hotels.The Four Seasons was fortunate to acquire another company that actually increased their overall value and market share. Traditionally it is difficult for firms to successfully horizontally integrate because of the difficulties associated with merging company cultures and accurately estimating the benefits of integration[36]. The company was able to look past any potential risks in order to see the future opportunity for growth. Chapter 10 Joint Ventures The Four Seasons has recently formed a joint venture with the cruise ship developer, Ocean Development Group.The companies plan to develop and launch the luxury cruise ship by 2006[37]. The Four Seasons will be responsible for managing the cruise ship. The concept for the cruise ship is similar to the ResidenSea, which provides its guest with the atmosphere of home while at sea. The joint venture is beneficial for both companies because they can share the risks and costs associated with the development and marketing of the cruise ship. The business venture also allows each company to focus on providing their specific assets and capabilities that will enhance the success of the project.The Ocean Development Group will own the cruise ship and will be responsible for the cost of development. The Four Seasons will use their distinctive competencies in management service to operate the hotel under their name. The company will use their skills in customer service to create an atmosphere that is comparable to any Four Seasons on land. IRME’s SouthWest: Both the Four Seasons and Soutwest airlines have developed strong company cultures. The companies also view their employees as their most important asset.Both companies believe that productive and loyal employees are a source of efficiency and profitability for the company. Southwest uses employee efficiency to lower costs and the Four Seasons uses their employees to create high differentiation. Harley Davidson: Both Harley Davidson and Four Seasons focus on providing their customers with a highly differentiated product/service. The companies have also developed strong brand loyalty among their customers by providing a unique experience and by being responsive to customer needs. Airborne Express: Both companies have not developed extensive advertising campaigns (i. e. TV ads).Airborne Express has avoided this because they want to avoid attracting certain customers (like non-business shippers). The Four Seasons does not advertise on a large scale because they do not need to appeal to the general public. Their customer focus is only on specific market segments, like the business traveler. It would be a waste of resources for both companies to participate in mass marketing because of their customer focus. Dell & Shaw: The Four Seasons, Dell and Shaw have all developed strong business models, which have added to their profitability and allowed the companies to experience signi ficant advantages.Dell developed the direct selling business model, which allowed the company to capture a specific market (big businesses and knowledgeable buyers). Shaw developed a business model focused on providing inexpensive wine by mass marketing. This allowed the company to realize economies of scale and lower cost savings. The Four Seasons has developed a business model that is based on providing differentiated service by focusing on their expertise in hotel management services instead of hotel ownership.Coke & Pepsi: The Four Season’s key competitor is the Ritz-Carlton, but unlike Coke and Pepsi the companies do not participate in competitive pricing and marketing strategies. Interesting Points An interesting fact that I have learned from doing this report is that the Four Seasons main business focus is in providing hotel management services. I was unaware that they only had majority ownership in three properties. I also did not realize that they had several differe nt investors for each developed property.This strategy has been successful for the Four Seasons, because it allows them to earn significant profits (an operating margin of 53% in 2003) through the use of specific skills and assets[38]. Another interesting thing I have learned is that the Four Seasons was able to maintain profit levels well above their competitors throughout the past economic downturn. The company refused to lay off employees and cut room rates (which is important to my husband and I) when several other hotel companies made significant cutbacks to decrease their overall costs.The Four Seasons believed that lowering cost and service standards would ultimately have an adverse effect on the company’s reputation and established brand loyalty. This strategy has allowed the company to retain their status and to earn higher ADR than their competitors. Works Cited AAA Five Diamond Award. 2004. www. ouraaa. com Four Seasons Annual Report. 2003. www. fourseasons. com. F our Seasons EmPact. 2004. Karl Huboi’s Employee Handbook. â€Å"Four Seasons Receives Top Billing by Readers of Andrew Harper’s Report Rank as Best City Hotel in the U. S. and Abroad Plus Best Hotel in 10 Major Cities. †PR Newswire. (September 9, 2003). ww. factiva. com. Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kura Huraa. 2004. www. fourseasons. com. Garrahan, Matthew. â€Å"A New Spring for Four Seasons. †Financial Times. (November 26, 2004). www. factiva. com Hill W. L. , Charles and Gareth R. Jones. Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004). Hoover’s Company Profiles. Four Seasons Hotels Inc. (November 14, 2004). www. factiva. com. Huboi, Karl. Interview with Four Seasons Employee. (December 1, 2004) Warson, Albert. â€Å"Hotels are Hot. †Mortgage Banking 65. (October 1, 2004). www. factiva. com. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1] Four Seasons Annual Report, ( 2003), p. 6, www. fourseasons. com [2] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 6 [3] Four Seasons EmPact, Karl Huboi’s Employee Handbook, p. 8 [4] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 6 [5] Karl Huboi , Interview with Four Seasons Employee, (December 1, 2004) [6] Karl Huboi [7] Hoover’s Company profiles, Four Seasons Hotels Inc. (November 14, 2004), www. factiva . com. [8] Albert Warson, â€Å"Hotels are Hot,†Mortgage Banking 65, (October 1, 2004), www. factiva. com. [9] Karl Huboi. [10] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004), p. 6 [11] Karl Huboi [12] Karl Huboi [13] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 11 [14] â€Å"Four Seasons Receives Top Billings by Readers of Andrew Harper’s Report Rank as Best City Hotel in the U. S. and Abroad Plus Best Hotel in 10 Major Cities,†PR Newswire (September 9, 2003), www. factiva. com. [15] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 7 [16] Four Seasons EmPa ct, p. 7 [17] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 8 [18] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 8 [19] Karl Huboi [20] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [21] Matthew Garrahan, â€Å"A New Spring for Four Seasons,†Financial Times (November 26, 2004), www. factiva. om. [22] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [23] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [24] Matthew Garrahan [25] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [26] Matthew Garrahan [27] AAA Five Diamond Award, (2004), www. ouraaa. com. [28] Karl Huboi [29] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, p. 272 [30] www. fourseasons. com/maldives/index. html. [31] Karl Huboi [32] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [33] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [34] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [35] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [36] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, p. 304 [37] Hoover’s Company profiles [38] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 12
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Reflecting On The Course Of Whiles Spending Time - 867 Words
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